What is YISENNI Liquid Wallpaper?
1. YISENNI Silk Wallpaper is a kind of new interior decorative material
2. YISENNI Silk Wallpaper is made from eco-friendly material
3. YISENNI Silk Wallpaper composition: eco-friendly fibres +plant gum
4. YISENNI Silk Wallpaper is easy to application, just need add water
IMPORTANT: YISENNI Silk Wallpaper is referred to Do-It-Yourself (DIY) products.
You don’t need any special plastering skills to apply YISENNI Silk Wallpaper for interior design. You also don’t need any technical equipment,
just plastic trowel. You can learn to plaster while applying YISENNI Silk Wallpaper on the surface and luxury design will inspire you during many
years, because YISENNI Silk Wallpaper is very durable and efficient
material. Go to section to know about application method of Silk Plaster liquid wall
coverings for interior design.
YISENNI Silk Wallpaper is especially attractive for those who:
do not want to pay
much but desire to have a luxury design of apartments
are tired from
common paints and obsolete wallpapers and seek for new approach to apartment’s
take care of time
and choose “easy to apply” and “ready for use” products - worry about health
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